
COVID-19 Response
To all our valued clients,
We have recently re-opened at our new location and are back providing you with the utmost care and treatment that you have come to expect from us. Thank you for your patience in awaiting our return. We look forward to seeing you all again soon.
Your health, and the health of our contractors, has always been of the utmost importance to Hands On Massage Clinic. We have always observed strict infection control guidelines, but with the current COVID-19 situation, the following additional measures have been adopted in order to keep us all safe and healthy:
Vigilant, regular disinfecting of all surfaces, especially door handles, chairs, bench tops, EFTPOS machine and all other areas in direct, or indirect, contact with clients and staff. This takes place between each client i.e. at least every hour, in addition to the thorough daily clean
A space of thirty minutes is left between each client so that, with only one therapist working at a time, you will not find yourself waiting with another person.
As is normal procedure, therapists wash hands thoroughly, before and after treatments, for at least 20 seconds following the World Health Organisation’s hand-washing protocol https://www.who.int/gpsc/5may/Hand_Hygiene_Why_How_and_When_Brochure.pdf Hand sanitiser will be used, also following WHO protocol, whilst in the treatment room with clients
Magazines have been removed from the waiting room, to reduce the potential of contaminating surfaces
On arrival, and departure, you will be required to sanitise, or wash, your hands. Hand washing is preferable. Hand sanitiser is available in the waiting room and treatment room. Feel free to utilise them, in addition to these times, whenever you need
We have removed the water carafe & lolly bowl, again to reduce the potential of contaminating surfaces. Your water will be filled by the therapist as needed.
As much as possible, the therapist will be using elbows to open the doors, and hand sanitising, as is the normal routine, after touching door handles.
As is normal procedure, the treatment table, especially the face cradle, will be sanitised between clients
As is normal procedure, the linen, will be changed between clients. It is then placed in a purpose-use only “dirty” laundry bag, washed and dried. After this, it is folded and immediately placed in a purpose-use only “clean” linen bag and returned to the clinic. Strict handwashing procedures will be undertaken before and after dealing with all laundry.
Personal isolation of therapists. Our therapists are diligently observing government guidelines regarding international and interstate travel as well as personal contact, including social distancing. They have not had contact with people who have recently been overseas
If you would prefer to lay face down, or side-lying, for the duration of the treatment to avoid breath contact, please let me know. I am happy to accommodate and work with your preferences to maintain your comfort whilst providing you with the most beneficial treatment possible.
If you have any viral symptoms (sore throat, cough, fever, shortness of breath, runny nose) please consider postponing your appointment until you are well enough to attend and seek medical advice.
If you have travelled overseas, or to a hotspot, or have been around someone with a confirmed case of COVID-19 we ask that you please notify us and postpone your appointment for at least 14 days. You can speak to your doctor about arranging screening for yourself or attend the drive through testing facility at EPIC.
As with any appointment reschedule, we appreciate as much notice as possible to be able to offer appointment times to our wait-lists. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.
Hands On Corporate & Events Massage continues to monitor this changing situation closely, in real-time, and will provide you with advice and guidance as it becomes available.
These are trying times for all of us. If you have any concerns or ideas of how we can improve on these measures, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
Please keep safe and healthy.
Australian Government: Department of Health
World Health Organisation